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Physical Therapy

Faculty Advisor

Rebecca Begalle


Research shows individuals perform better with an external focus of attention rather than an internal focus of attention. Research has not investigated Motion Guidance™ as an effective external focus of attention to correct medial knee displacement (MKD), which is shown to be a risk factor for injury. The purpose of this research is to compare the change in MKD across two conditions (external focus, internal focus) during the single-leg squat. Using a randomized crossover research design, all participants will perform each condition on a single day. Participants will be 18-25 y/o with MKD during the single-leg squat, free from lower extremity injury, or balance impairments. A two-dimensional video will be recorded to calculate peak MKD during the single-leg squat. A dependent samples t-test will be used to compare MKD change scores between conditions. We hypothesize that Motion Guidance™ will be more efficacious in decreasing MKD compared to standardized verbal instruction.
