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Erin DeHeer

Document Type


Publication Date



Athletic Training

Faculty Advisor

Jennifer Scheid


The Female Athlete Triad (Triad) has been defined as the relationship between energy availability, bone mineral density, and menstrual dysfunction. There are no studies identifying the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of athletic trainers (ATs) in regard to the Triad. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the level of factual and practical knowledge of ATs on the Triad. We hypothesize that ATs will have knowledge of the components of the Triad but will not implement screening strategies or have knowledge on the return-to-play protocol. We also expect that female ATs will be more comfortable discussing the Triad than their male counterparts. This is a cross-sectional study utilizing a survey to assess knowledge levels among ATs. We will target active ATs from the professional membership listing and compare factual to applied knowledge of the Triad. We will use a chi-squared-analysis to examine these differences.
