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Document Type


Publication Date



Social Work

Faculty Advisor

James Golden


Since 2009, more than two million veterans have returned from active duty and often face difficulties transitioning from military to civilian life. Though military processes for assisting in the transition process have improved, many veterans face significant economic, social, and health challenges upon their return. These challenges are often exacerbated when veterans choose to enroll in or return to college, where they frequently report feeling disconnected and misunderstood. Many colleges have attempted to address these challenges by creating programs to assist student veterans, but there is often a risk of unintentionally objectifying and/or pathologizing student veterans, which can often happen when such programs are developed without input from student veterans. The focus of this research is to assess the desired educational environment of student veterans and current perceptions of such at Daemen College. Results from the study will provide feedback to Daemen and its programs in order to benefit student veterans.
