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Social Work

Faculty Advisor

Diane Bessel-Matteson, PhD


Youth identifying as Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, or Questioning (GLBTQ) have historically experienced greater risk associated with their psychosocial development, interpersonal relationships, and safety when compared to their non-GLBTQ peers (Russell & Fish, 2016). While there appears to be growing acceptance of gender variance and sexual minority-identifying individuals in the nation, overall, it is unclear whether GLBTQ youth are benefiting from this change. Gay and Lesbian Youth Services (GLYS) is a local health and human service organization committed to providing an accepting environment to enhance the personal growth of GLBTQ youth. The organization is conducting a needs assessment, in collaboration with Daemen College, to identify the critical issues faced by this population. This poster presentation identifies key themes gleaned from focus groups with youth as well as key informant interviews with health and human service professionals. Specific recommendations for developing relevant services and supports are shared.
