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Phillip MacLeod

Document Type


Publication Date



Athletic Training

Faculty Advisor

Rebecca Begalle, PhD, ATC, PES


A lack of muscle extensibility may contribute to the high-risk of hamstring injuries in sport. Self-myofascial release of the restricted hamstring muscles, or foam rolling (FR), is known to improve tissue extensibility. However, it is unknown if foam rolling the quadriceps muscles, or antagonists, would have similar benefits. The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes in hamstring extensibility following quadriceps versus hamstrings foam rolling. Participants will be healthy, recreationally active, members of the Daemen College community. Researchers hypothesize that there will be greater positive changes in hamstring extensibility following the quadriceps intervention. The participants’ will perform a different randomly assigned foam rolling intervention (quadriceps, hamstrings) on each leg with a 10-minute washout in between. Pre and post hamstring extensibility will be assessed using a passive knee extension test. Data of change scores (Post-Pre) will be analyzed using a one-way repeated measures ANOVA (SPSS) to compare interventions.
