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Emma Mrzywka

Document Type


Publication Date



Physician Assistant

Faculty Advisor

Colleen Kashino, PhD


This presentation will focus on a supplemental Honors experience completed concurrently with PAS 329: Statistics for Evidence-Based Practice. The highlighted experience will extend coursework and develop understanding of a statistical software package. PAS 329 includes an introduction to Ordinary Least-Squares Regression Analysis. For this project, the presenter will extend their understanding by expanding from bivariate to multivariate modeling with a sample of data collected in collaboration with the course instructor. The presenter will also learn the mathematical model to regress multiple predictor variables using SPSS software. The presenter-faculty pair will review and assess the assumptions behind this model. Finally, the presenter will have the opportunity to learn the basic tenets of research with human subjects. For this experience, the student will measure a sample of 35 peers and record three possible explanatory variables: blood pressure, heart rate, and state anxiety. The dependent outcome will be course grades. The model of this research with appropriate graphical illustrations will be presented.
