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Joshua Greene

Document Type


Publication Date



Natural Sciences

Faculty Advisor

Jeffrey Law, PhD


Biological control agents such as granivorous invertebrates are an important component of integrated weed management in agroecosystems. This study investigated the role of a seed’s caloric value on the seed selection of two lesser consumed weed seed species by Harpalus pensylvanicus De Geer, a granivorous carabid beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) that is found throughout North America, and tested their ability to be reared for targeted weed seed removal. H. pensylvanicus individuals used in this experiment were reared on a diet of either kitten food (control), Giant foxtail (S. faberi), or Velvetleaf (A. theophrasti). Comparisons were made between the caloric value of the weed seed species and both the individual H. pensylvanicus seed selections during the seed preference tests and the death rates of the feeding groups that occurred during the feeding trials. These results enhance the understanding of the role of H. pensylvanicus as a targeted biological control agent and examine the criterion for weed seed consumption and removal by H. pensylvanicus.
