Agriculture and the urbanization process in the Caribbean.
Business Administration
Document Type
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Regional Development Dialogue
Publication Date
Special Issue
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Focuses on the decline of the agricultural sector and its implications for urbanization. Concentrates on Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago. These countries and others in the Caribbean, are increasingly dependent on food imports, while agricultural exports go outside the region. Economic integration has hardly affected agriculture. All countries covered by the study have become more urbanized since 1960, but the rates of urban growth vary a good deal. Rural-urban migration plays a major role, the push from the countryside being stronger than the pull to the city. Small size, economic fragmentation, and inadequate development strategies all play a role in these patterns of development. Pleads for a programme of rural development to reverse the flow of migrants, and maintains that what is needed is a dispersed urbanization strategy. -from Editor
Recommended Citation
Hope, Kempe R., "Agriculture and the urbanization process in the Caribbean." (1982). Articles & Book Chapters. 474.