Power to the People [Podcast Episode]
History & Political Science
Document Type
Media Interview
Publication Source
Policy Outsider [podcast from the Rockefeller Institute of Government], Episode 12.
Publication Date
From publisher:
On this episode of "Policy Outsider," we have Rockefeller Institute fellow Dr. Lisa Parshall to discuss the New N.Y. Government Reorganization and Citizen Empowerment Act and the effect it has had on village dissolutions. The episode highlights the Institute's recent report on village dissolutions, which detailed the motivation behind New York State's push to dissolve village governments.
Parshall discusses the effect the 2010 law has had on the rate of village dissolutions and what dissolution means for village residents and neighboring communities. Parshall identifies the noneconomic reasons residents are often reluctant to dissolve their villages. Their concerns include community identity and pride, the importance of municipal buildings and symbols, festivals and community celebrations, as well as the role of local emergency services.
Recommended Citation
Morse, A. (Host). (2019, September 19). Power to the people (No. 12) [Audio podcast episode]. In Policy Outsider. The Rockefeller Institute of Government. https://anchor.fm/policy-outsider/episodes/Ep--12--Power-to-the-People-e556hn/a-alung8