Head-Scratching: Caucus Confusion, Censure, Lonesome George [Podcast Episode]
History & Political Science
Document Type
Media Interview
Publication Source
Skimm This [podcast].
Publication Date
From publisher:
A day after the Iowa Democratic Caucus, we’re told results are still just around the corner. But the damage from a historic vote-counting fail is already being felt, and Iowa could be the biggest loser. Meanwhile, we’ll look at the big issues that might come up in tonight’s State of the Union Address by checking out the guest list. Also on today’s show: Democrats float an alternative to impeachment, and why one lonely creature might not have been the last of his kind.
Recommended Citation
The Skimm. (2020, February 4). Head-scratching: Caucus confusion, censure, lonesome George [Audio podcast episode]. Skimm This. https://playlist.megaphone.fm/?e=CAD5077956203