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Wendy S. Kye

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Thesis Committee Chairperson

Diane Ryan, PhD, ANP-BC, FNP-BC, GNP-BC, CNE

Second Reader

Joanne C. Miano, RN, MSN


asthma, minority, African American male or men, perspective, explanatory mode


Asthma is a chronic lung conditions with reversible airway constriction and inflammation. Presenting symptoms of asthma are wheezing, chest tightness, coughing, mucous production, fatigue, tightness in throat, chest pain and shortness of breath. The World Health Organization (WHO), 2013 estimates 235 million individuals are afflicted with asthma worldwide. While this condition is growing in prevalence affecting all races, gender and ages however, minorities have higher rates of disability and death. The disparity seen between Caucasians and African Americans with asthma is widening. This study explored the lived experience of the African Americans adult males with asthma using a qualitative phenomenology method. The aim of this study is to gain knowledge by understanding the adult African American males’ perspective of asthma. The goal is to improve minorities’ outcomes by understanding the knowledge that they possess regarding their disease process. The theoretical framework used is Kleinman’s Explanatory Models of Illness. The themes which emerged were still an asthmatic, naming the condition, identifying the etiology, reviewing the onset of symptoms, what it does, mental effect, physical effects, discussing the course of asthma, major issues, fears, treatment, medication effect, medication failure, naming the medication, expected result, what affect asthma has on their life and recommendations from the participants. The subthemes are not prepared, triggers, avoiding triggers, me and sociality, and avoiding treatment. Some implications for this study is educating asthmatics on symptoms of asthma and the medications names, indications and actions, controlling their asthma, being prepared for an exacerbation, asthmatic notifying healthcare professionals of history of asthma and Healthcare professionals notifying individual with asthma of the possibility of treatment failure. Future research recommendation include performing a similar study exploring the lived experience of African American men with uncontrolled asthma, investigating the perspective of African American women with asthma as well as surveying Caucasians with asthma to explore their lived experiences. Surveying healthcare providers’ opinion on the effects of short-acting beta2 agonist on African Americans exploring treatment failure verses non-adherences were additional research suggestions.
