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Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Thesis Committee Chairperson

Janice Hobba-Glose, DNS, MSN, RN

Second Reader

Mandy McKeehan


orientation, role transition, non-direct care role


The purpose of the research was to determine perceived elements registered nurses experienced at facility N when they transitioned from a direct care to a non-direct care role. In person interviews were performed with registered nurses. Barriers that were found include computer programs, limited patient interaction, role ambiguity and that the roles are overwhelming due to the amount of information and knowledge that is needed to function within the role. Facilitators include that the participants reported the amount of time the orientation took was appropriate. It was also reported that the resources that were made available and presented were helpful along with preceptor experiences and the flow in which reviews types were presented. From this data, an action plan was created, which includes increasing mentorship, clearing defining the role of newly hired staff members and explaining how computer programs relate to the nurse’s role.
