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Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Thesis Committee Chairperson

Deborah Merriam, DNS, RN, CNE

Second Reader

Christina Coyle-Lenz, MBA, MS


The main concepts of this study were nurse burnout and its relationship with intent to leave. Burnout is an extreme continued chronic and prolonged response to emotional and interpersonal stress on the jobsite (Wang, Liu, & Wang, 2013). Compassion fatigue is closely related to burnout. Fatigue can lead to burnout. It is a form of burnout with characteristics of chronic fatigue, irritability, dreading going to work and physical ailments (Potter, Deshields, Divanbeigi, Berge, Cipriano, Norris, & Olsen, 2010). Turnover contributes a greater demand placed on the nurses that remain increasing turnover which lead to burnout (Bentley, 2010). This study attempted to understand how many nurses experienced burnout and its effects. The significance was to assess the level of burnout the nurses experienced. The purpose of this study was to evaluate if there was a relationship between the level of burnout a nurse experienced with their intent to leave. The identified research question was “Is there a relationship between nurse burnout and intent leave?” A correlational study design was utilized in that it was the best method to answer the research question. This study revealed a disconnect from current literature whereas burnout was linked to intent to leave. This study revealed an average level of burnout with 79% of the nurses willing to leave their current position within the next year. Job satisfaction and burnout in the nursing workforce continued to be global concerns. Retaining these nurses needs to be a top strategic imperative for organizations.
