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Date of Award

Fall 2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Thesis Committee Chairperson

Lynda Cessario, PhD, RN

Additional Advisor

Patricia Klementowski, ANP-C


Based on the increasing rates of secondary stroke, a qualitative action research phase I was conducted to explore the facilitators and barriers for nurse practitioners regarding secondary stroke prevention. The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of facilitators and barriers for nurse practitioners regarding secondary stroke prevention. The theoretical framework for this study was Neuman’s Systems Model Theory (2011). A literature review was conducted and indicated a lack of evidence for nurse practitioners regarding secondary stroke prevention. Voluntarily and snowball sampling was used to recruit four participants for this study. The data collected was analyzed and placed into categories of facilitators and barriers that can later be used to create an action plan that could be implemented in later research as an action research phase II. Facilitators identified were Tailored Care/ Educational Approach, Strong Support System, and Adherence with Post-stroke care. Barriers identified were Time Constraints, Lack of Resources, with subcategories of: (a) Financial/ Insurance Coverage, (b) Availability of Educational Material, (c) Availability/ Education of Staff, Inadequate/ Inappropriate Family Involvement, and Patient Noncompliance. Based on the findings from the study, an action plan was developed using a tool Visit Review for Secondary Stroke Prevention; that was created to minimized barriers for nurse practitioners. Implications for future nursing research include: (a) implementing the tool in an action research phase II study, (b) exploring more research with nurse practitioners and secondary research, and (c) increasing the sample size.
