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Date of Award

Winter 2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Thesis Committee Chairperson

Deborah Merriam RN, DNS, CNE

Second Reader

Susan Adrian MS, RN, CPNP


millennials, nursing learner, technology, social media, nursing education


Background: The majority of learners in today’s nursing classroom are requiring increased positive reinforcement and acceptance while the learner has minimal experience with homework and critical thinking. Incorporating a variety of technology into the educational process can engage the nursing learner.

Methods: This is a quantitative descriptive study to evaluate the nursing learner’s perception of technology usage in the classroom. This study uses a 28-question survey to determine the nursing learners’ beliefs and experiences. Participants: The sample consists of 40 nursing students. The participants completed the survey voluntarily after receiving an e-mail through an e-mail list serve.

Results: The majority of participants fell into the Millennial Generation. Four specific forms of technology emerged as being used frequently with an opinion of great impact on the learners’ experience. The study also demonstrated that most of the learners believe that the use of technology has an impact on their educational experience overall as well as their grades.

Conclusion: Most of the learners are from the Millennial Generation. There is a plethora of different forms of technology available to educators that are not being used to the full potential even though the learner feels as though the use of technology is beneficial.
