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Denay Baker

Date of Award

Spring 2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Thesis Committee Chairperson

Deborah Merriam, DNS, RN, CNE

Additional Advisor

Rachel Jordan, MS, RN


Orientation is essential in the socialization of new employees along with helping to increase their knowledge, skills, and ability in the workplace (St-Martin, Harripaul, Antonacci, Laframboise & Purden, 2015). When it comes to the orientation of new nurses, it is important for nursing educators to have an understanding of the transition from student to professional nurse and what possible stressors may come along with it (Hunsberger, Baumann & Crea-Arsenio, 2013). The reality of the workforce can place unexpected demands on new nurses and create barriers to successful orientation outcomes. The purpose of this study was to obtain the perception of nurse educators regarding the barriers and facilitators to the orientation of new nurses. Evaluation was important to gain a better understanding of what strategies, techniques, people, things; either help or hinder the orientation process of new nursing staff. Nine nurse educators were interviewed in a qualitative action research study that set out to answer the question: What are the barriers and facilitators of helping new nurses through orientation? Through the content analysis method, three barriers and four facilitators to new nurse orientation were identified. Barriers identified were; preceptors, nurse managers and inconsistencies in the orientation process. Facilitators identified were; using resources, strong managers/leadership, preceptor matching and nurse residency program. Using Kurt Lewin’s change theory an action plan was developed to help initiate change that would improve the orientation process. The action plan included revisiting the structure of the orientation process, focusing on preceptor education, collaboration with management and a nurse residency program.
