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Dawn Ostolski

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Thesis Committee Chairperson

Lisa Ball, PhD, RN, FNP-BC

Second Reader

Joanne Sorci RN, MS, ANP, CDE


barriers, facilitators, diabetes, diabetics, behaviors, risk, health complications


The management of diabetes requires active engagement in a number of prescribed behaviors in order to achieve glycemic control and thereby reduce the risk of health complications. Despite the prevalence of and dire risks associated with diabetes, compliance with prescribed behaviors of those individuals with diabetes that could reduce risk is not always found. This study was conducted in order to learn what the needs of patients with diabetes are in order to help empower them to participate in health promoting behaviors. This study, a qualitative phase 1 action research study, uncovered the barriers and facilitators to patient participation in healthy activities through semi structured interview of individuals with diabetes. The barriers identified included medication-related, physical limitations, environmental, and socioemotional factors. Supportive relationships, knowledge, following regular healthcare routines, reminders, recognizing physiologic responses in self, and accessible resources were identified as facilitators. An action plan was then developed that addressed the barriers based on the identified facilitators, those found in the participant comments and literature review. This action plan should be implemented in practice to address the difficulties experienced by patients when managing their diabetes to decrease risk factors; and a follow-up study is recommended on a larger scale to assess the impact of the action plan.
