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Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Thesis Committee Chairperson

Janice Hobba-Glose DNS, RN


transgender, Gay, HIV, HIV prevention, mHealth, phone applications, apps, smartphone, mobile phones, and cell phones


Clinical Problem: Rates of HIV in the LGBTQ population, specifically persons from the men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TGW) group, have a higher rate of HIV when compared to the public. These rates continue to increase and remain most prevalent amongst this group. It has been identified that high risk sexual behaviors (HRSB) lead to higher rates of HIV transmission and acquisition. According to the literature, the use of social media is prevalent in the LGBTQ community as they tend to use social media in sex seeking behaviors.

Significance: There is an urgency and importance for this project due to the high rates of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI) among individuals of the LGBTQ community specifically MSM and TGW. PICOT Question: Does the implementation of a mobile technology (m-Health) program (I) among community dwelling MSM and TG women (P) increase knowledge of HIV and STI prevention strategies, decrease the numbers of high risk sexual behaviors and improve the number of healthcare provider interactions (O) when compared to not implementing an m- Health program (C) within six months (T)? Clinical Change: Development of a mobile technology (m-Health) program. Desired Outcome: Provide health education to the MSM and TGW communities on methods to prevent HIV/STI infection, reduce HRSB and increase patient/provider encounters. Summary: The problem within the MSM and TGW community is they have higher rates of HIV when compared to the general population. Evidence shows this population face barriers such as discrimination and stigma related to their sexual preferences and choices. This judgment often leads to missed or no clinical appointments to primary care providers, which ultimately reduces patient/provider interactions. There is also evidence that suggests this population has used mobile technologies to obtain HIV/STI information. Additionally, research shows this population uses mobile technology to seek dates and sex


online. This activity leads to high risk sexual behaviors such as multiple sexual partners, and inconsistent and or incorrect condom use. Development of an m-health program is one-way clinicians may reach this population, create a rapport with this community, and potentially decrease the rate of HIV acquisition and transmission.

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Nursing Commons
