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Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Thesis Committee Chairperson

Dr. Wecan Lu, DNP, FNP, RN

Additional Advisor

Dr. Barry Willer, PhD


concussion, knowledge, experience, management, primary care, concussion education


Clinical Problem: The educational level and training of health care providers in managing concussions in schools and institutions are poorly described in the literature. Current literature and community resources are largely focused on adolescent/youth concussion treatment and education all while the adult and geriatric community show increasing numbers of falls and head injuries without adequately allocated resources and research.

Significance: Emergency department providers and resources are increasingly exhausted and overcrowded, solidifying the need for more advanced practice nurses in primary and urgent care settings. Many health care providers are unfamiliar with current concussion and mild traumatic brain injuries, thus the need for continued education, enhanced assessment, and available resources is increasing.

PICOT Question: The PICOT question for this evidence-based project is, “Regarding health care providers practicing in the primary and urgent care setting, would completing a concussion education seminar increase provider knowledge, experience, self-efficacy, and adherence to best practice over 3 months?”

Clinical Change: The purpose of this initiative, like others before it, is to evaluate current practice beliefs and knowledge before and after educational intervention for health care providers to improve the delivery of care (Taylor et al., 2017).

Desired Outcome: With concussion education and dissemination of up-to-date evidence-based concussion guidelines, it is the aim of the researcher that fewer concussions are undiagnosed, avoiding a cascade of physical and psychological complications.
