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Date of Award

Winter 12-19-2022

Document Type




Thesis Committee Chairperson

Dr. Janice Hobba-Glose, DNS, RN

Additional Advisor

Erika Ruszczk, M.Ed.


atopic dermatitis, nursing, gerontology, prevention, treatment, complementary medicine


Atopic Dermatitis is a chronic condition which causes itchy and sometimes painful rashes and patches of dry skin known as flares. These flares can result in physical discomfort and decreased emotional wellbeing related to low self-esteem and self-consciousness. As a recurrent skin disease with no current cure, the need for research in different methods of treatment modalities is warranted to decrease the number and severity of flares of those diagnosed with Atopic Dermatitis. This evidenced based practice proposal explores methods of prevention and treatment of Atopic Dermatitis through the usage of complementary medicine methods including acupuncture, balneotherapy, probiotics, herbal remedies, yoga and mindfulness.
