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Date of Award


Document Type




Thesis Committee Chairperson

Dr. Janice Hobba-Glose, DNS, RN

Second Reader

Suzanne Thomas, MSN, RN


mindfulness, stress, anxiety, depression, single parents


The well-being of an individual is often affected by the amount of stress that they are under. This Evidence Based Project will address the management of the signs and symptoms of stress that are felt by single parents. The greatest finding of the literature review for this EBP is that mindfulness is an incredibly useful tool that can be used to combat stress. As a result of this finding, the use of a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSRP) to lower the stress levels of single parents will be examined. Research that supports using MBSRP’s to lower stress will be presented. A Nurse Practitioner-led MBSRP will be proposed as an intervention to combat the problem of increased stress levels amongst single parents. Mindfulness is an intervention that improves the well-being of all types of people, from cancer patient caregivers, to adolescents, to nurses, and even single parents. The evidence supports the benefits of a Nurse Practitioner led MBSRP. Jean Watson’s theoretical framework will be used to discuss the EBP. It will demonstrate the need for conducting an investigation into the issue. Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring is used to draw a connection between increased stress level amongst single parents and the goal of reducing that stress level. The seven steps of the Iowa model of Evidence Based Practice will be the guiding force through the steps needed to address the issue. This EBP proposes to connect the stakeholders to the steps that are necessary to fix the issue. Through education, training, data collection and analysis, the success of the program will be identified. This Evidence Based Project will successfully demonstrate that the stress levels of single parents can be decreased through a Nurse Practitioner led program.
