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Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Thesis Committee Chairperson


Second Reader

Amy Heyden ANP-BC


MOLST, EOL, ADs, barriers, educational enhancement


Clinical Problem: There is a well-researched lack of accurate MOSLT forms completed by health care providers who are initiating end-of-life with patient and family members.

Significance: There is a disparity in both completion and understanding of MOLST forms that may lead to unnecessary treatments at end of life that could cause harm or undue suffering to a patient, which this proposal attempts to identify and overcome.

PICOT Question: In health care providers who have EOL planning patient and family discussions, does the participation in an EOL planning seminar (I) compared to HCPs who have not participated in an EOL planning seminar (C), impact the rate of accurate and complete MOLST forms completion (O) in a 12-week period (T)?

Clinical Change: The clinical change presented in this evidence based practice proposal is the implementation of an education program in the form of educational training and educational brochures for both providers and patients in order to enhance understanding MOLST form completion.

Desired Outcome: The desired outcome is to obtain a higher accurate MOLST form completion rate.

Summary: In summary, the evidence provided from this EBP proposal to create an educational program to enhance EOL education for providers and patients will prove that there are known barriers for healthcare providers and patients to acknowledge and overcome. The acknowledgement of these barriers and review of current research has led to the formation of a program that attempts to overcome these barriers and provide the necessary tools for providers, to successfully initiate EOL conversations and increase the completion of ADs.
