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Minnie Clark

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Thesis Committee Chairperson

Julie Woodworth PhD, MSN, RN, CNE

Second Reader

Wencan Lu DNP, FNP, RN


nurse practitioner, medication reconciliation, patient safety, primary care


Medication reconciliations are utilized during most healthcare encounters. The process of the medication reconciliation in regards to safety must begin with an accurate understanding of the medications that patients are taking. Completing the medication reconciliation can be timely and extremely complicated. There are a multitude of factors that can inhibit the reconciliation from being accurately completed in its entirety. Design: The purpose of this phase 1 action research study was to identify perceived barriers and facilitators of completing the medication reconciliation process among nurse practitioners. A review of the literature related to the medication reconciliation process was conducted to identify current knowledge. Purposive samples of three nurse practitioners who complete the medication reconciliation process were interviewed at a primary care community health center located in Western New York. Participation was voluntary and confidential. Conclusions: Barriers found included lack of time, lack of patient knowledge regarding medication regime, and lack of universal medical record access. Facilitators found included patient compliance, and the use of electronic medical records. A phase 1 action plan was established utilizing the literature, facilitators and recommendations provided by the participants. Lastly, implications and recommendations for further research were discussed.
