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Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Thesis Committee Chairperson

Janice Hobba-Glose DNS, MSN, RN

Second Reader

Courtney Williams MLS(ASCP), MHSA, LSSBB


The sleep disorders that shift workers experience can cause an impact on work performance that may include patient safety and medical errors, overall poor sleep quality, and personal relationship with family and friends. The purpose of this evidence-based proposal is to identify methods of improving sleep quality, emotional health, overall quality of life, and safety of patients in the care of nurses that are working shift work jobs. It is important for nurses working shift work to be aware of the quality of their sleep and the various methods to increase the well- being of the self, prevent errors at work, improve relationships among family and friends and to provide a high quality of patient care amid the need to work shift work (CDC, 2019). The PICOT question framing this evidence-based proposal is:

Among nurses that work shift work hours and exhibit poor sleep quality, what is the impact of a napping station and aromatherapy inhalation therapy compared to no interventions, on the nurse's sleep quality and duration, patient’s and medical errors and personal relationships with family and friends within three months?

The findings from the reviewed literature suggest that incorporating nap rooms/stations and implementing aromatherapy inhalation interventions in the nurses’ workplace may help to improve the sleep patterns and quality of sleep among the nurses. The clinical practice change will include an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group will receive an educational plan alongside utilizing a nap room with aromatherapy inhalation for 20 – 30 minutes during breaktime. The benefits of napping in a control setting can result in refreshing the mind and body and increasing alertness and concentration. Improving sleep with utilizing a nap room with aromatherapy can improve the quality of sleep, patient and medical errors, and personal relationships with family and friends.
